Refinery Gases

Refinery Gases
Refinery Gases

Off-Gas Energy Recovery With Cogeneration For Refineries and Petrochemical Plants

In today’s world, refineries and petrochemical plants need to become integrated, energy efficient, and sustainable.

Solar Turbines’ modular, industrial gas turbines fired with natural gas or hydrogen-rich gas can integrate combined heat and power (CHP) allowing significant energy efficiency and emissions improvement.

Solar’s product portfolio utilizes process off gases from multiples of 9 MW to 50 MW fuel flow with LHV starting from 235 btu/Scf (2951 kJ/Nm3) in 3 MWe to 18 MWe power generation packages. This allows quick deliveries and easy-to-install power/CHP units.

Click to learn some examples of downstream industry fuel gas usable in a Solar gas turbines



Refinery Gases
Refinery Gases
Refinery Gases
Fuel Flexibility

Incorporating Fuel Flexibility and Operational Capabilities

One benefit of the gas turbine solution is that streams can be used independently or blended together when the refinery production varies, and various gas producers/consumers come online or offline. This capability enables customers to reduce flaring and improve thermal efficiency while maximizing value in low emissions combined cycle or power and heat configurations compared to other solutions. Replacing part of the existing plant power and heat generation or import, off-gas fired CHP often allows to reduce the plant scope 1 and/or scope 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

Solar’s capabilities and references are unique in the downstream market for this power class, and range from very low to high BTU gases, to CO and/or H2-rich gases.

The biorefinery of the future will treat new feedstock, such as food waste, woody biomass and other biogenic feedstock, to produce biofuel and bio plastics. The increase of plastics’ recovery rates is bringing new feedstock to the refineries and petrochemical plants where it can be transformed by pyrolysis or gasification.

The fuel flexibility of our gas turbines enables the use of various off-gases, including syngas from biomass or plastics gasification and H2 that become available in the refinery. Solar’s equipment is also designed so that there is little to no impact on maintenance in order to keep businesses running. 

Expertise with Gas Turbines in Hydrogen Environments 

Here are just 3 examples of how gas turbines can help you in hydrogen rich applications.

Solution 1: Simple Cycle Gas Turbine in an Off-Grid Refinery

For this example, see how Solar would help an H2-rich island mode refinery in Asia or Africa, with an unstable grid, comparing our solution to a diesel engine.

Solution 2: Combined Cycle in a Western Europe Plant

Learn how Solar could incorporate CHP (Combined Heat and Power or Cogeneration) Gas Turbine in a Refinery, comparing our Titan 130 to a steam boiler and condensing steam turbine.

Solution 3: Cogeneration with Hydrogen-Rich Gas in Northern Europe

For this example, Solar’s Taurus 60 in used in a combined cycle or tri-generation solution vs. an extraction steam turbine.

Fuel Flexibility

Download the full white paper below to learn the details of how Solar could help provide energy solutions for your refinery needs.  The white paper outlines 3 innovative solutions of Solar’s gas turbines helping refineries and petrochemical plants with Hydrogen-Rich gas.  



Learn The Benefits Of Hydrogen-Rich Gas Turbines

Download our free white paper. Hydrogen-Rich Gas Turbines, providing sizing tools and the critical benefits of off-gas combined heat and power applications.

Click to download


Interested to learn more about our Refinery options? Contact our hydrogen-rich market expert:

Case Studies And Solutions

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Methane Reduction
Methane Reduction



Some of Solar Turbines’ customers have been operating on high hydrogen fuel (including coke oven gas) with greater than 50% hydrogen to generate power and steam over the past 10 years.



Customer support extends beyond maintenance and repairs to include broad offerings that help enhance performance and safety, extend equipment life and prevent obsolescence.



Solar Turbines has been innovating the energy industry for more than 60 years and we will continue to push what is possible.
